Study Playground

Think of the way you study as playing on Study Playground. Remember the first time you went to a playground? You saw all those new things to play with, and one by one, you tried them all to see which one you liked the best.

Studying should be done in the same way!

You should try to study in different ways, changing things up to see what works best for you. Not everything you try will help you to improve your studying. Some things will help you improve a little, while others might leave a big impact. It’s your job to find what works best for you.

MSFR – My Studying Feels Right

MSFR stands for the 4 things I find the most important for effective and fun studying. Those 4 things are: motivation, studying, focus and review. You should master all 4 of these steps while trying different techniques and methods. If you think to yourself “My Studying Feels Right”, then you are on the right track.


The first step to an efficient and fun study session is the reason you are studying – your motivation.

It would be best if you had a good understanding of why you are studying the material you are studying. You have to know how does that material help you to achieve your goal.

Learn how to motivate yourself, how to set goals, how to achieve those goals, how to stay on track, how to study every day, how to study when you don’t feel like it and how to beat procrastination.




The second thing you need to learn is how to study properly. It’s great to feel motivated to study, but you won’t get much out of it if you can’t study efficiently.

There are things you can do to make studying much easier and much faster. Investing a little bit of time to learn the right study techniques will help you achieve your goals.

Learn how to study in a more efficient way, how to remember something for the long term, how to memorize anything, how to take notes and how to do well on a test.


The third step is learning how to focus. Even if you feel motivated and know how to study, if you can’t focus on what you are studying, you won’t learn all that much.

There are two things to consider when talking about focus, those being: energy and distraction.

Learn how to manage your energy levels, how to deal with distractions, what to do when you can’t focus and how to get your focus back when something goes wrong.




The final thing you need to learn is how to review the things you tried while studying. The key of Study Playground is to try new things and see how they help you.

You need to review the things you try to see if they work for you. You can try to change a few things and see if those changes help you.

Learn how to assess your motivation and how you motivate yourself, assess how good the study techniques you are using are, and how good are you at focusing on studying.

Study Playground – When Everything Comes Together

study playground cycle

Study playground is not a one-time process!

Whenever you try to change something you have to see how it fits in the bigger picture. Remind yourself why you are studying. Check how well you are studying. Make sure to focus when you are studying. Review every change you make to judge whether it helps you or not.

Where to start

If you are looking to improve your studying skills but don’t know where to start, these two articles are an excellent starting point:

Keep The Same Mindsetview

study playground - work

Learning is a lifelong process, but it is understandable that, as you age, you don’t pay as much attention to learning as you did when you were a student.

Other things take up your time. Even so, you should always leave some time to learn something new. Technology is advancing every single day, which brings changes to the world.

But you can keep up with those changes!

If you set aside some time every single day to learn something new, you will be able to keep up with all of the changes happening around you.

Keep Study Playground mindset and continue to try new ways to improve your learning ability.