About Vukašin Ristić

Hello there, my name is Vukašin Ristić and I love to study and learn new things. Like most people, the first time I was seriously introduced to studying was after I started going to school. While I was going to school I was considered an “intelligent child” and I loved the attention I got. But at the same time, I hated studying. I only studied to live up to the standard of an “intelligent child”. But after some time, I tried to cut corners whenever I could. I tried to study the bare minimum to keep my grades. I thought that if I spent less time studying, I could have more time to… play games (what else can you expect from a 14-year-old boy).


Entering high school

After studying in different ways, I found a couple of things that could help me, and decrease the time I study. Later, when I entered high school, I started to pay more attention to the English language. While far from perfect, I could understand English, which opened a new path. I started to look for new advice on how to study better, this time in English. In high school, I hated studying even more, so any piece of advice that would give me more free time was precious to me. But I still wanted to be perceived as intelligent so I continued to struggle.

Eventually, I decided to quit high school. At this point, I hated going to school as much as studying. When I looked at how similar a day I had to someone who goes to work 5 days a week, I thought that there was no way I could live like that. So, if I couldn’t live like that, the most logical decision was to drop out, right? I thought so too, but apparently, nobody around me thought the same.

While nobody said anything to me (at least from what I remember) I could tell they were disappointed. Since I decided to drop out of school, I thought that I had to do something if I wanted to live the life I wanted (the one without a nine-to-five job). There was just one small problem. I didn’t know what I wanted to do. So I decided to learn whatever I could, but this time I would choose what to learn, when to learn and how to learn.


Studying every single day

I decided to study for at least 1 hour every day no matter what. It didn’t matter what I learned, the only thing that mattered was that I learned something new every single day. Since I decided on that, I thought it would be a good idea to improve my learning abilities even more. At this point, my English was really good so I could understand much more. As I searched the internet I found all types of advice.

Some of them were extremely useful, while others did nothing.
But, how could someone give you a piece of advice that does nothing?
It must be that it worked for them, but that it doesn’t work for me, right?
But what if that is not the case?

Study In A Way Suited To You

After changing a few things about a method that didn’t work for me, I started to see better results. That was when I came to a realization:
I could change parts of a method that didn’t suit me and get better results.

I confirmed my suspicions after trying it on other methods. Whether it would be something to improve my memory, motivate me to study, help me against procrastination, increase my energy levels, sharpen my focus or anything else.

Now, I could learn new things much faster. But that wasn’t the only benefit I got. When I first started to learn new things every single day I did it so I wouldn’t fall behind other people. But after doing it for so long (I didn’t miss a day for more than 5 years and counting) I started to enjoy studying.

I started this blog to help those who are facing the same issues I had faced. You can find out about some of the methods I use to study by reading my blog.

How I Study

If you want to learn how I study, subscribe to my free newsletter and study along with me, while learning from my successes and failures.