If you want to learn more, increasing the time you study is not the right approach. Instead, you should learn how to study in a way suited to you, to increase your efficiency and shorten the time you study, while making it easier and more fun. I help students to learn how to study properly, in a way suited just for them.

study in a way suited to you

The Problem With Studying

People first seriously start to study when they go to school for the first time. There, they all follow the same principles and all of them study in the same way. Now, think about it for a moment and ask yourself this question:

Is this the way people are supposed to study and learn new things?

The answer is, obviously, a big NO. We are all so different in so many ways. It makes sense that how we study the best is also different from person to person. If you hear that someone is intelligent and a gifted student, that just means that the way he/she studies is suited to him/her.

If that is true, why couldn’t the opposite be true as well?

So, if someone is deemed to be a poor student, could it be that the way he/she studies is not suited to him/her? What would happen if those students could learn how to study in the best way suited for them? Could they also be the same as that intelligent and a gifted student?

I wanted to improve my learning abilities, so 5 years ago I started to look for methods to improve. The thing that surprised me the most is that there was advice that some swore by and that changed their lives. That same advice had little to no effect on me, so I started to wonder if I was doing something wrong. And then, after some, time it finally hit me:

It’s not that I was using the advice in the wrong way, it’s that the advice was wrong for me.

How I Study

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Hi There!

I am Vukašin Ristić and I am passionate about studying and learning. I went through many ups and downs during my student life. From being an excellent student to dropping out of high school and continuing to study independently. I went from hating studying and doing the bare minimum to keep my grades to learning every day and enjoying the process. So if you’re a student (high school, college, or you just want to learn something new) and are looking to improve on how you study and learn, you are at the right place.

study in a way suited to you